Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Photo Opportunity #57 The Eamonn Andrews Show in 1968

 Photo Opportunity #57 The Eamonn Andrews Show in 1968

Firstly, before we get underway for 2025, I must apologise for the lack of activity over December and the lack of a Christmas / yearly review. To be honest December was an incredibly busy month which saw me moving into a new property which of course, as a consequence, meant that I was offline for a period while I waited to be reconnected and have my internet services restored. 

It’s still going to be a busy period; Christmas was cancelled effectively and I’m still trying to get myself straightened out. 

Anyway, thank you to the people who contacted me with Christmas wishes – it was very much appreciated. I think I just have an hour or so to fulfil a Photo Opportunity for January, and it’s a real beauty. I have to thank my friend Graham Rye for unearthing this rare shot. Taken from the Eamonn Andrews Show on ITV, April 28th, 1968. Eamonn Andrews was an Irish TV presenter, perhaps most famous for his This is your Life programme. Clint was here at the time filming the World War II epic Where Eagles Dare. Also appearing on the show that night was Bill Haley and the Comets who were touring the UK over April / June of ’68. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if Clint’s appearance on the show exists somewhere, it would certainly be fascinating to see. We live in hope. 

Happy New Year everyone! 

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