Friday 4 October 2019

Richard Jewell, Official Trailer already released by Warner Bros!

I’m amazed to see that a trailer is already out there for the Clint’s forthcoming movie Richard Jewell (which I believe has been marked for a December release). I’m constantly surprised at the speed of Clint’s output, it seems like only yesterday I was still reporting on the casting. Speaking of casting, I’m certainly looking forward to seeing Sam Rockwell working under Clint’s direction. I’ve always been a huge admirer of Rockwell’s work. So what else can we take from the Trailer? Well I can see that the score is by the American-Cuban jazz trumpeter Arturo Sandoval. I’ll be interested in hearing this, as his film work up until now has arguably been somewhat low key. We of course still don’t know if there will in fact be a soundtrack release. In the meantime, here’s the trailer. My thanks also to Jayne Smart for alerting me to this.

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