Monday 14 October 2019

The Enforcer: And how Clint loves that Shotgun…

Today I was sent a couple of superb ‘unseen’ images from The Enforcer (1976) one of which is particularly wonderful. A lot of fans will be familiar with Clint holding this shotgun via a number of publicity shots released from the film, but of course never shows up in the finished cut of the film.

The more familiar and commonly seen shots feature Clint with this shotgun whilst wearing the white windcheater style jacket that he wore later in the movie. These familiar shots were taken whilst filming the climax on Alcatraz Island. However, the whole Alcatraz sequence saw Clint wearing the brown suede jacket (just to confuse things even more). 
If using the evidence in the photo below, we can safely say this was taken during the shooting of the liquor store hold up. Clint clearly has the same jacket on, and the POV is pretty much identical to where Harry drives the car through the shop front. 

The background buildings (left) also confirm this. The second photo is probably from the same photo shoot. I can also confirm that these were both taken during the July of 1976.

The shotgun photos have always been a bone of contention among Eastwood fans. This photo only serves as more evidence that Clint was perhaps itching to include this piece of hardware within the movie. I guess we will never know. I will have to pull the script again one of these days to see if it actually makes an appearance. For now, this cracker of a photo will continue to keep us happy, as well as further extending our curiosity. 
My kindest thanks to Davy Triumph.    

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