Tuesday 1 February 2022

When an Ad campaign has legs…

When an Ad campaign has legs… 

I thought it would be nice to start the month of February with this unusual little item of interest. Here’s a full page ad campaign that ran in an American trade magazine/paper back in 1973. What is particularly unusual about this one is the design. Like the one sheet poster design, most advertising used the image of Clint with a pistol and whip in each hand, and the bottom of the image finishing at Clint’s duster coat. Except in this design - where someone in Universal ‘s art department clearly thought it might be a good idea to give Clint a pair of legs! It seems rather obvious that the legs were added as a later addition, having seen the original poster art painting I can confirm that the image never included legs!

It’s a really rare and quirky design and like most of these ads probably appeared for one day only. My kind thanks to Steve Saragossi.

Below: The original artwork design, minus legs.

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