Wednesday 2 February 2022

When in Rome… April 1964

When in Rome… April 1964
I thought I would dig out these very special Press stills from my folders today. They’re a very rare collection of original stills taken for publicity purposes upon Clint’s arrival in Rome, Italy in or around April, 1964. Clint (on his first visit to Europe) was there to film at the Cinecitta studios for internal shooting of A Fistful of Dollars. 
Whilst there, Clint took some time out to do a spot of local sightseeing which took in the magnificent ancient Foro Italico situated on the slopes of Monte Mario. The stadium was built between 1928-1938 originally under the name ‘Foro Mussolini’ and designed by Enrico Del Debbio. The purpose of the project was to originally host the 1940 Olympic Games. 
It looks as if Clint felt quite at home among the 10ft tall athletic statues. 
Below: The Foro Italico, Rome as it is today

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