For a Few Dollars More (Per qualche dollaro in più) is a
1965 film directed by Sergio Leone and starring Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef
and Gian Maria Volonté. German actor Klaus Kinski also plays a supporting role
as a secondary villain. The film was released in the United States in 1967 and
is the second part of what is commonly known as the Leone / Eastwood
"Dollars" trilogy.

Below: The Original UK Quad poster for For a Few Dollars More
(Click below to view Original Trailer)
(Click below to view a great alternative original trailer!)
For a few Dollars More 1965 CD Ennio Morricone extended score GDM 2038
1. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' (03:50)
Mono. Contains movie effects.
2. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 2] (01:13)
3. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 3] (02:53)
4. Osservatori Osservati (02:05)
5. Poker D'Assi (01:22)
6. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 6] (02:41)
Mono. Contains movie effects.
7. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 7] (00:46)
8. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 8] (02:16)
Mono. Contains movie effects.
9. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 9] (02:25)
10. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 10] (01:16)
11. La Resa Dei Conti (03:08)
12. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 12] (01:58)
13. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 13] (01:20)
Mono. Contains movie effects.
14. Carillon (01:10)
15. Il Vizio Di Uccidere (02:28)
16. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 16] (02:11)
17. Il Colpo (02:26)
18. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 18] (00:53)
Mono. Contains movie effects.
19. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu' [sequence 19] (01:15)
20. Addio Colonnello (01:45)
21. Occhio Per Occhio (03:01)
Mono. Vocals by Maurizio Graf & sung in Italian.
22. Eye For An Eye (03:01)
Vocals by Maurizio Graf & sung in English.
My original review:
Ennio Morricone, a name which will always raise a smile, not only among the Eastwood loyalists, but also among serious collectors of movie scores. For a few Dollars More (1965) has seen many reincarnations since it's debut release back on the United Artists label. It's among many of those titles that has been sadly neglected, both in it's quality, and in terms of available music, it's quantity. That was until now.
3 or 4 of the tracks contain some of the films effects, probably taken from a very clean sounding M & E (music and effects track) rather then the films final mix. What was apparent on listening to these few particular tracks, was how well these sounds were firmly kept to the rear and how clearly the music was prominently to the fore, clarity and balance of these tracks, are in my opinion, very well produced.
Interestingly, I thought I detected some very subtle echo added to certain cues, resulting in a new refreshing sound, while not detracting from the elements of the original recordings, the result does not harm the tracks at all.
Tracks 21 and 22 are a couple of incredibly rare treats. Included here are the Two vocal versions of the main title, originally released in the 60's. I seem to recall reading about these tracks, but I was never able to track them down. Sung by Maurizio Graf, Track 21 (Occhio per Occhio) is the original Italian version in Mono, while Track 22 (Eye for an Eye) is the Original English version in Stereo. I could not think of a better way to finish off this Collectors Edition? GDM have worked to the highest possible standards and produced something rather spectacular. Considering the limed availability of the source material, I would struggle to see how they could have done any better.
For a few Dollars More 1965 Clint Eastwood Original Belgium Poster
For a few Dollars More 1965 Clint Eastwood Sergio Leone French poster

For a few Dollars More 1965 Design A Clint Eastwood Original German
For a few Dollars More rr-1973 Design B Clint Eastwood Original German

Above: This tin badge originated in the early 70's, approx 2" wide and rather hard to find these days
For a few Dollars More 1965 Lobby set x 12 French (superb b/w set)
For a few Dollars More 1965 Lobby set x 12 French (totally different set in Colour)
Below: This still was recently sent to me by Dave Worrall, which is a bit of a mystery as I thought there was only 12 stills in the above set, although the paper stock is slightly different, which may suggest it is from a re-release set. My thanks again to Dave for sending this to me.
For a few Dollars More 1965 Lobby set x 17 GermanFor a few Dollars More 1965 Orig Swedish film program
For a few Dollars More 1965 Orig UK Press sheet
For a few Dollars More 1965 10 x 8 Press stills x 38 b/w + 4 colour
For a few Dollars More 1965 Original Radio spots x 8 60, 60, 60, 30, 30, 30, 10, 10 secs
For a few Dollars More 1965 UK Orig Press book, colour art cover, good stories
For a few Dollars More 1965 UK Original 10 x 8 Front of House set Colour x 8
For a few Dollars More 1965 x 3 Diff tie in Paperback novels

For a few Dollars More 1967 Clint Eastwood Lee Van Cleef Swedish Insert
For a few Dollars More 1968 Clint Eastwood Lee Van Cleef RR UK QUAD
For a few Dollars More 1967 4 x Original Large French Lobby cards approx 14x17, my thanks again to Dave Worrall who gave me these as a gift.
For a few Dollars More 1968 Very nice French 7” record with very nice picture sleeve
For a few Dollars More Commercial poster, Clint pointing gun at apple tree shot
For a few Dollars More DVD 2 disc Special Edition with narration and extras
Below: The German 2 Disc DVD
For a few Dollars More DVD W/S Good transfer of the Eastwood sequel, diff trailer included
For a few Dollars More Original NTSC Video Tape from MGM/UA
Above: For a few Dollars More Original NTSC Video Tape from CBS/Fox
For a few Dollars More LD Japan Laser P and S version, stunning gatefold sleeve and artwork
For a few Dollars More MGM/UA Widescreen Laserdisc with trailer
Below: Another super item sent to me by Dave Worrall, this excellent white metal figure of Clint as the man with no name, 55mm high, unmade and still boxed mint.
Some more wonderful Items from For a few Dollars More
Below: A new poster (to me) I recently discovered, A rare Italian poster 39x55 in size.

Below: Some very nice Italian Locandina posters
Below: Here's a recently discovered and very rare Locandina from the 1970's my thanks to Davy Triumph.
Below: The U.S. Insert poster, the U.S. 1 Sheet poster and the U.S. Lobby card set

Above: A close up example of a For a Few Dollars More Original Lobby Card
Below: The US Three Sheet poster
Below: For a Few Dollars More US Six sheet poster
Below: US 1 Sheet for the 1969 Double Bill and the US Lobby card set
Below: Original newspaper ad for the double bill
Below: The UK Quad poster from U/A when they teamed up Goldfinger / For a Few Dollars More
Below: An original newspaper advertisement for the same release
Below: Here are 4 examples of the For A Few Dollars More re release lobby cards, as you can see, these are in full colour, which was rather unusual as the original above set were released with a sepia tint? Original first release lobby sets were usually in full colour while re release sets were normally tinted or even b/w...
Below: A close up example..

Below: The U.S. Half Sheet Poster and the U.S. Widow card for For a Few Dollars More

Below: The U.S. Pressbook for For a Few Dollars More Front and Back

Below: From Australia, the Daybill poster, the 1 sheet and the 3 sheet

Below: Australian, Daybill re-release
Below: An original Ad card for Australian TV
Below: 4 superb examples of great Italian poster art
Below: Some great Italian posters

Below: For a Few Dollars More Italian 4 - Folio (55 X 78)
Below: The original Spanish 1 sheet did not feature Eastwood and focused more on the Lee Van Cleef closing shot.
Below: Some close up examples of the Italian fotobustas

Below: A very rare Italian film program that hardly ever turns up, photos show the front cover and 2 images of the opened program

Below: Another very rare piece from Italy is the For a Few Dollars More Original Cinema mobile

Below: From France, the stunning first release poster featured the most striking, quality artwork and below that the French re-release poster where it seems a simple photo design was to be good enough (what a difference, what a shame...)

Below: The French synopsis sheet front cover and below, inside opened to great artwork, size A4
Below: Two Rare For a Few Dollars More poster from Argentina

Below: A couple of very nice German A1 Re Release poster designs

Below: Some rare German place cards
Below: The UK Double Crown poster

Below: The Superb Japanese B2 Poster design

Below: For a Few Dollars More Japanesse speed 10 x 29

Below: Front and back of the Japanese For a few dollars more brochure
Below: For a Few Dollars More (1970s) Thai Poster
Below: For a Few Dollars More (United Artists, 1967). Romanian Poster
Below: Swedish re-issue poster from 1975
Below: For a few dollars more German style B 1966
Below: For a few dollars more French 2009 Re-Release (47x63)

Below: Not sure about this, and if it is simply a bit of 'fan' art, but I like it anyway, so it stays...

Below: A couple of great colour shots from For A Few Dollars More

Below: Here's a few German Lobby from For a Few Dollars More that I recently discovered and do not have in my collection

For a Few Dollars More (1965)
July 4, 1967
'For Few Dollars More' Opens: Trans-Lux West Shows New Eastwood Film .
2 Rivals in Murder Are Presented as Heroes
Published: July 4, 1967
THE cool-cat image of a Western gun-slinger that was studiously fabricated by Clint Eastwood in "A Fistfull of Dollars," under the direction of Sergio Leone, is repeated by Mr. Eastwood in the aptly titled "For a Few Dollars More," which broke loose with some Fourth of July fireworks at the Trans-Lux West and other theaters yesterday. Everyone susceptible to the illusion that shooting and killing with fancy flourishes are fun can indulge his bloodlust to the fullest at this synthetic Italian-Spanish-made Western film.
Once again Mr. Leone has filled his plushly colored screen and his deliberately calculated sound-track with conglomerate stimuli that agitate moods of dread and danger, of morbid menace and suspense, and then erupt in cascades of vivid violence, fistfights, shootings and death.
The perils of a professional bounty killer, which Mr. Eastwood portrays, are multiplied in this instance not only by the wariness and tricks of the gang of Mexican banditti he pursues for the prices on their heads, but by the deceits of another bounty killer who is going after the same gang. The menace of this rival, played by Lee Van Cleef, is more dangerous and unpredictable than the known quantity of the murderous gang.
Thus it is the presence of this rival, as cool of manner and as deadly with the guns as the crafty, cheroot-chewing Mr. Eastwood, that furnishes Mr. Leone with what there is of interesting conflict between characters of modest scope.
The gunman of Mr. Eastwood is a fierce and fearless killing machine. So is the older, more experienced and righteously motivated gunman of Mr. Van Cleef. If anything, he is more clever and more sophisticated with the guns. Both are equally ruthless. Thus their rivalry, their dubious partnership and their frequent temptations to betrayal are the stuff of suspense in the film.
But, of course, the dynamics of it are in the freedom and ferocity with which Mr. Leone piles violence upon violence and charges the screen with the hideous fantasies of sudden death. In the close-up faces of his ugly ruffians, highlighted and shadowed in burnished hues, and in the ominous thump of drums and wail of trumpets that preface his menace scenes, he prepares us for the violent explosions that mark the deadly circuit of pursuit. In the bark of guns, the whine of bullets and the spinning bodies of men mortally hit, he provides the aural and visual stimulation for an excitement of morbid lust.
One may think that this is sheer fabrication, that the fantasies of killing contrived are devices for emotional escapism, that the foulness of the bandit leader, played with a hint of degeneration by Gian Maria Volonte, is a moral reason and justification for his being run down and slaughtered with his gang.
But the fact that this film is constructed to endorse the exercise of murderers, to emphasize killer bravado and generate glee in frantic manifestations of death is, to my mind, a sharp indictment of it as so-called entertainment in this day. There is nothing wholesome about killing men for bounty, nothing funny about seeing them die, no matter how much the audience may sit there and burble and laugh.
The Cast
FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE, screenplay by Luciano Vicenzoni; directed by Sergio Leone; produced by Alberto Grimaldi for P.E.A. of Rome, Arturo Gonzales of Madrid and Constantin Film of Munich; released through United Artists. At the Trans-Lux West Theater, Broadway at 49th Street, and other theaters. Running time: 130 minutes.
Man With No Name . . . . . Clint Eastwood
Colonel Mortimer . . . . . Lee Van Cleef
Indio . . . . . Gian Maria Volonte
Old Man Over Railway . . . . . Jose Egger
Colonel's Sister . . . . . Rosemary Dexter
Hotel Manager's Wife . . . . . Mara Krup
The Hunchback . . . . . Klaus Kinski
First Man . . . . . Mario Brega
Second Man . . . . . Aldo Sambrel
Third Man . . . . . Luigi Pistilli
Fourth Man . . . . . Benito Stefaneli
Below: some more images from the cut sequence
Below: A commercial poster of Clint in For a Few Dollars More (Personality Posters, 1967). The poster was very popular in the UK
Below: An up to date modern interpretation of the film reflected in this rather impressive piece of Mondo art.
Below: A super rare shot from a deleted scene
Below: A rare colour shot featuring Clint's arrival in White Rocks in For a Few Dollars More
Below: Lee Van Cleef as Colonel Mortimer
Below: An incredibly rare version of For a Few Dollars More on HD DVD - Interesting that it is in Italian language only.
Below: Not the original soundtrack LP, but this cover version on United Artists by LeRoy Holmes remains a highly collectable album, perhaps because of its use of the full For A Few Dollars More artwork.
Below: For a few dollars more original sheet music
Below: Clint and Sergio discuss a scene during For a Few Dollar More
Below: Here's a nice set of 6 photos sent to me by one of our admin, Kevin Wilkinson. They show Clint, Van Cleef and Volonte in make up during production, superb shots, thank you Kevin.
Below: A couple of recently discovered alternative trailers