The CEAS was a UK based Fan Club found in the late 70's and run by Dave Turner. Dave closed the Society in the early 90's. In the days before the Internet, Dave did a fantastic job of keeping us all informed. I'm glad to report that Dave is alive and well, and we now stay in regular touch. These days he relaxes by creating some wonderful paintings in his spare time.
I am still looking for any club society magazines that pre-date those shown below, as well as the Issues shown below that are marked as wanted. I only have covers for these.
I believe Mal Baker still has every single issue that was ever published.
I am still looking for any club society magazines that pre-date those shown below, as well as the Issues shown below that are marked as wanted. I only have covers for these.
I believe Mal Baker still has every single issue that was ever published.
Below: A very rare treat. This is the original report which
appeared on the BBC's Film 80 programme with Barry Norman. The report features
the Clint Eastwood Appreciation Society and interviews with our friend and
former president, Dave Turner. Our sincere thanks to Dave Turner for providing
the original VHS source and to our friends David Vernall-Downes and Jonathan
Downes. David has done a great job and digitised these old tapes and we are
entirely appreciative. Jonathan has also kindly provided us with space to be
able to continuously host these videos. My thanks to you all – what a great
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Jan 79

Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum March 79
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum May 79

Above: The Picture used for the above magazine cover, thanks to Dave for the use.
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum June 79
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Jul 79
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Aug 79
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Sep 79
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Oct 79
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Nov 79
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Dec 79
Below: Example of a CEAS Postcard
Below: Front and back and inside of program for the first and only CEAS convention 1980 Thanks to Mal Baker for the images
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Jan 80
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Feb 80
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Mar 80
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Apr 80
Below: The CEAS Keyring and badge, thanks to Mal Baker
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum May 80
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Jun 80
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Jul 80

Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Aug 80
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44-magnum Sep 80
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Oct 80
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Nov 80
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Dec 80
Below: A CEAS Club Envelope
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Jan 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Feb 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Mar 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Apr 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum May 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Jun 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Jul 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Aug 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine 44 magnum Sep 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso News Oct 81
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso News Nov/Dec 81
Below: A CEAS Club badge (x2)
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso News Jan/Feb 82
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso News Mar/Apr 82
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso News May/Jun 82
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso News Jul/Aug 82
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso News Sep/Oct 82

Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso News Nov/Dec 82
Below: CEAS Club sticker 1
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso News Jan/Feb 83
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso Journal June Quarter 1983
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Malpaso Journal Sept Quarter 1983
Below: CEAS Club sticker 2
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Clint Spring 84
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Clint Summer 84
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Clint Autumn 84
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Clint Winter 84
Below: CEAS Club sticker 3
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Clint Spring 85
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Clint Summer 85
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 1 Nov 85
Below: CEAS Filmography
Below: CEAS Club sticker 4 and 5 (Blue and White version)
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 2 Feb 86
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 3 May 86
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 4 Aug 86
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 5 Winter 86
Below: CEAS Club sticker 6
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 6 Spring 87
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 7 Summer 87
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 8 August 87
Below: Dave meets Clint again with members of the Appreciation Society

Below: CEAS Club sticker 7
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 9 Spring 88
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 10 Summer 88
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 11 August 88
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Newsletter Eastwood Dec 88
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 12 Spring 89
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Magazine Eastwood 13 August 89
Below: My Original CEAS Club membership card
(Image coming soon)
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Newsletter Eastwood 3090 Jan 90
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Newsletter Eastwood 3090 Mar 90
Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Newsletter Eastwood 3090 Jun 90
Below: Dave meets Clint again at the Edinburgh film festival 1990

Clint Eastwood UK Fan Club Newsletter Eastwood 3090 Sep 90
Below: A CEAS club renewal form
Clint Fan Club Magazine Club Specials:
Bronco Billy 44 Magnum Special
Hero Cop A Dirty Harry Special
Below: An Eastwood Newsletter from 1991

Below: The Final newsletter from the CEAS under Dave Turner's management, Jan 1992.
Below: A letter from the CEAS New Management dated Feb 8th 1993
Below: The CEAS Subscription form from the New Management, for me, where the story ends..
A New era, A New Magazine format

Below: ACE Application form, biography and 2 Filmography sheets

Below: Ace News No 1 January 1994

Below: Ace News No 2 April 1994

Below: Ace News No 3 July 1994

Below: Ace News No 4 October 1994 (Magazine wanted)

Below: Ace News No 5 March 1995

Below: Ace News No 6 June 1995 (Magazine Wanted)

Below: Ace News No 7-8 September-December 1995

Below: Ace News No 9 March 1996

Below: Ace News No 10 June 1996 (Magazine Wanted)

Below: Ace Newsletter Spring 1997 (Newsletter wanted)

Below: 25th Anniversary CEAS Montage 2003

A Big thanks to the mighty Mal B! for helping archive these great memories forever.
Below: A big thank you to my friend Dave Worrall for handing these pieces over to the Archive.
A BBC Letter confirming Dave's appearence on Nationwide, (Fri May 30th 1980) the invoice for appearing and his original CEAS Staff Membership card. Thank you so much Dave, they will be very well looked after.
Below: From L to R Dave Turner, Mal Baker and Dave Worrall, taken at the Pale Rider press screening in Birmingham 1985
I just saw Grand Torino and if I can be so presumptious as to say that Mr. Eastwood may see this note - I want to say thak you. Thank you as a 44 year old daughter to sn 83 year old father, that heros are still here in this world. And thank you, as an actress, for showing me that the craft that you have dedicated your life to, can be admirable and responsible and inspiring. Thank you, Mr. Eastwood for your life on film. We will study you and continue to learn from your example for ages to come.
Nothing would give me more pleasure than to publish your comments and kind words. Looking forward to Gran Torino hitting the UK shores!
The Clint Eastwood Archive
Hi Mal Baker reporting in, I love the site and also your article on the CEAS. Of which I too was a proud member, at the time there was another fan club simply called "The Clint Eastwood International Fan Club" Of which I have every issue ever published. Like the rest of my collection is still in mint condition, however they didn't stay around long and they still owe me for the "Clint Eastwood Japanese 2 Book" but that's another story, as a budding cartoonist /illustrator it was a great kick to see my work in Dave's magazine (Produced also by our D.Warroll) The press shows in London, in the audience for "Aspel & Company" and of course the fly/drive holiday In the U.S.A. Memories will stay with me always, now a friendly challenge I consider my Eastwood "scrapbook" collection to be the biggest and most in-depth out there and like one or two others I have a huge Eastwood Collection of memorabilia, starting way back in 1975 specialising in original spaghetti western posters which as I have said are in mint condition which only adds to their value. Keep up the good work with your site all the best. Mal Baker
The One, the only, Mal Baker come on down!;-)
Fantastic to have you here Mal,I couldn't tell you the importance both you and the two Daves had on me back in the day. (Hey) maybe you could help me out a bit here in the future? I'd love to get that CEAS page looking a great deal healthier in the near future, with getting the cover scans completed and so on. And yes, I was aware of The International Clint Eastwood fan club, but I was just a school kid when I first joined the CEAS and my paper round money didn't spread far enough for me to become a member of both :-(
Maybe we could also get that featured at some point?
I hope you eventually managed to get the second Japanese book, I've not even started the book section yet for the site, I have the 3 Japanese books, I think there was only 3 published in all?
Talking of which, I'm certainly with you in regards to memorabilia Mal, I could never be without it, too many solid years of collecting!
Now, a friendly challenge eh?
(I have visions of Clint and Cleef trading bullets in the street) ;-)
So is your 'scrapbook' collection in reference to cuttings etc? Boy, this would be an interesting stand off lol.
I have so much Mal, it just needs to be organised correctly so as I can load it all at some point here on the site! But I'm throwing the challenge back my friend, how about making it a combined effort, I bet between us it would turn out to be a little earth shaker!
A lot to think about for the future...
Maybe you could contact Dave T, grab my details and we could talk more.
This place is certainly getting a great buzz since you both came on board, getting a real CEAS vibe about it, which is a great feeling to have.
I really look forward to hearing from you Mal, again its fantastic to have you both here, and to have your input.
"stand-off-in the street eh...take it to the station the gentlemen is leaving!" I once said to Dave I wonder if anyone out there has got a bigger collection than ours I now belive looking at your site, that yours is the very item, it truly is a spectacular collection. I thought that mine was special but now "a man's got to know his limitations!!" The CEAS mag's you show is almost complete I do have the full set, but there where lot's of sticker,badges,keyrings.etc..not shown that as I say still have "mint condition" My scrap books are 3ft-2ft wide, 12 pages in each and I have five of these! and as you know before the emergence of this thing i'm typing on, web site, and internet was never heard of! TV AND FILM MEMORABILIA (now finished)did an article feature on my collection and also my collection of THE SWEENEY-THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE-THE PRISONER.Also the month after I helped contribute to an item on KELLY'S HEROES (written by Ingrid Pitt) I would love to meet,and well you show me yours,and i'll show ya mine! Remember Clint and Van Cleef had to team up in the end! and to end with,if I can be of any help Iwould consider it an honor to do so! all the best, Mal Baker.
Hey Mal, I'm 200 miles away at the moment at my better half's, but thanks to this thing we find ourselves typing on, I can at least talk to you through the site.
Firstly Mal, don't want to mislead anyone here, I don't own everything on this site, I generally try to keep my own stuff listed at the top half of each dedicated page, with additional material available to the bottom half, I found it an ideal way of not only listing and hosting my own collection, but a great avenue to also show WHAT is also available, I did this in an attempt to make it the best possible Eastwood reference guide on the web. That said, I'm still finding odd bits and pieces of mine that I had not originally listed and just added them to the bottom section, I will do a full check on all film pages and try to adjust them accordingly. (A long job as you might imagine). But hey, we are just fellow collectors and not in competition with each other as I know some collectors are, I like a life as well, it's about finding the correct balance at the end of the day. We both obviously bat for the same side, and that's great by me! ;-)
Good to hear your comments regarding the CEAS mags, would be great to complete, talking of which, maybe you could check the points I raised in that section, I think it was on note 2 at the top? regarding 2 issues, and if they were ever printed? Would very much appreciate. I think one of the issues mentioned contained either part 1 or 2 of an interview that I have been waiting to read for over 25 years! LOL
Hey, I think I read that feature of yours and Ingrid was it in a specific collecting memorabilia mag, poss Issue 1? I have worked on a couple of Where Eagles Dare projects, including the FSM restored soundtrack release, I supplied a lot of material for that and of course Dave's Where Eagles Dare / Cinemaretro special. I've met Ingrid a few times actually, she's a real delight.
Yeah cuttings, god, It must be in four figures, which I house in folders, they're from UK, America, Japan and Europe but always kept them in great condition. Was thinking Mal, as I said I have not listed all items on this site (Eastwood items)YET, but to see a lot more other items, listed in text form only, go to the link for The General Film Archive, although still in need of updating, this holds all of my memorabilia and is in A-Z order on the site, naturally Clint film mem' will be listed under title, but should also check out 'C' for Clint Eastwood, there is a lot of additional material isted there, but worth going through all A-Z, lots of other Eastwood bits throughout..
Hey, also love the THE SWEENEY, got the annuals, films, CD, and that fantastic DVD box set with every episode, great stuff. Although I have the original Texas CM, I am a big horror fan also, but for me it is classic horror (Universal, AIP, Hammer etc), I feel the horror movie really ended in the 70's. I have started to list all my film collection (from both Laserdisc and DVD) on my 3rd site (also linked) 'Now that's what I call a movie collection' although not a great deal done yet on later movies (done in year order), but I've started the early stuff, 1920's 30's and 40's, as you can imagine, a massive amount to add to this also. But all of the films are listed in the General film A-Z archive anyway..
Yes, we certainly have some great material to offer this site, think it would look pretty cool as it begins to grow.
Would be great working with you.
Will check in here throughout the day/evening.
I can imagine the task in front of you to document all the items you've listed, I began to "scan-in" my collection and it can only be compared to painting the fourth bridge! However like Dave you have the claim to say you've met Clint, which must be something very special, and will be an experiance that will stay with you, alas as you know when we where in the USA in 81, he was in the uk filming FIREFOX! Yes I agree,that some collectors are very competitive about what they have, but I'm a great believer in "wheel's within wheel's" and would love to share any information, or Clint related images with you. A meeting with Sir Christopher Frayling at the NFT at Bradford was a highpoint for me when he was doing a lecture talk on Sergio Leone (and he signed all of his bio's I have) and again at the NFT at London when Eli Wallach gave a talk after the showing of GOOD,BAD,UGLY. I will look into the CEAS points in your mag feature,and see what I can come up what box are they in? best Mal Baker.
Hi Mal, Yeah scanning and photographing posters etc is a real pain, if I can find a good enough example of a piece on the web, or one that I can use for a start and then restore it to some degree, I tend to do that first. I did this last week with the City Heat and In the Line of Fire quads, which I think look good enough.
I have to admit, meeting Clint was amazing, we saw him over 2 nights actually, the first was at the NFT for the premiere of Mystic River and an interview by Michael Parkinson and the following night was at the BBC for the Parkinson show recording, he was absolutely charming, as I hoped he would be.
Luckily I was working at the BBC at the time, so we knew the short cuts etc from where Clint would be exiting. It was an amazing 6 months actually, as it was also the weekend that the A&E Biography Special was being shown in the U.S. for which I was also credited on for spending some 6 months helping with photos, material and so on, I was also lucky enough to give it its full title, ‘Gut Instinct’, which was a real honour.
I remember the ’81 trip, incredibly ironic, what were the chances...:-(
I’m with you Mal, sharing only broadens the pleasure...Kudos.
I have a lot of respect for Sir Chris Frayling also, wonderful guy. Funny enough, I was also at the NFT (with Dave W) for Eli Wallach and the screening of the restored version of THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY. It’s a small world… (Yes, and very very bad!) ;-)
Actually, I covered the event for Cinema Retro in a report, so might also publish it here, as it certainly wouldn’t be out of place.
Great, thanks for looking into the CEAS magazine questions Mal, appreciate your input. I know it’s going to be great working with you.
Catch you soon bud
Thank you Michael, very nicely said, I'm sure the man would appreciate your comments.
Mal Baker managed to find CEAS mag's each one had an issue number so here go's...
Jul 79 No. 20
Aug 79 No. 21
Sep 79 No. 22
Nov 79 No. 24
Jan 80 No. 26
May 80 No. 30
Jul 80 No. 32
Sep/Oct 82 No. 53
Hope this puts your records straight as I said I have all of these. Best Wishes Mal Baker.
Hi Mal, sorry for the late reply, very interesting, guess I never had 2 of the mags that i should have had..
LOL, Dave T still owes me! LOL
If you have any of those mag covers missing from above Mal, I would appreciate a scan to add to the page, and the 1st or second half of the Tom Snyder interview (I can't remember which now?) would appreciate a good scan (only been waiting some 29 years to read it) LOL
So, my other question Mal...
What about the mags that pre date Issue 20? Do you have them? If so, any chance of scans of these too, so as to complete the page to some degree, also if there is anything missing you could add that post dates what I have up would really be appreciated! Hope you had a good christmas and a very happy clintful new year!
Just found this on an Internet search. Was a member of the CEAS in the late 1970's early 80's when Dave had mey Cljnt in 1978 I think and used to see Dave quite often at society meetings, also remember a convention at the m&b social club which was fantastic! I also got to visit the Hogs Breath inn in Carmel late 1980's,a great experience. A question I have - does anyone possess the footage to the CEAS's appearance on Barry Normans Film
81 as I briefly appeared in this filmed at Dave's house. Also it would be great to get in touch with Dave again if he's still around and about.
Best wishes
Jonathan Downes
Hello Jonathan, Glad that you found us and re-united with the old crew. Stick around!
Dave is still very much with us and visits here often. I'll let him know we have another old member here.
The Barry Norman Film report, ahh great memories...
Funny enough, a great friend here, Mal Baker (who you may remember also helped Dave in the CEAS) recently sent me a 3 hour tape which is filled with lots of TV material from the 70's and 80's, unfortunately I have not even had time to view this yet but have a feeling this might be included. The other thing I have to do of course is find a way to get it converted into a digital format so that it can be uploaded here on the site (probably on this page). So there are plenty of great things in the works, time is the real killer at the moment as I am also in the middle of two degree courses! But it will all be up in time.
Come back soon, good to have you here.
Thanks for the quick reply, looking deeper into the range of items on the CEAS on your blog, think it was probably Film 80 and not Film 81,will check through all my old stuff to see if there's anything left of my CEAS magazines, however somehow doubt it. I remember the other fan club also which one of my friends used to be a member of at the time and as we were still at school, (about 15) we set up a school Clint Eastwood fan club also (around the time of Escape from alcatraz), the magazine we put together was quite dreadful!
Anyway will see what I've got and let you know. Cheers Jonathan
Hi Jon...yep I'm still around and have a copy of the Film 80 clip somewhere...on video tape :) I'll have to dig it out, but if Daz can get all that old clip stuff here on the archive...WOW...that be something. If you want to get intouch with me nowadays..check out my website think I remember you were just a kid at the time compared to us 'oldies' :) Happy Trails Dave T
'compared to us 'oldies' :) '
Errr speak for yourself bud!! ;-) LOL
Seriously, it's great having past CEAS members reunited here. I couldn't of wished for anything better.
Thank you Mal, you're very kind.
Hi again, remember quite a bit of filming and interviewing not ending up on film 80, (cutting room floor and all that), so anything I said couldn't have been that interesting as they cut it out - seem to remember a shot amongst fans though which must have appeared as my school friends the following day were asking whether it was me (however could have been my twin brother David as he was into Clint back then also). The other fan club mag was dreadful, think we managed a little better than that and Dave's work on the CEAS mag considering it was before all these applemacs and desk top publishing computers was incredible and in a lot of ways stands the test of time.
Thanks for the message Dave, I'll check out your website and be in touch. Be great to catch up. I was just a kid then as you say.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Many thanks Jonathan I hope to see you here more in 2011, a very merry Happy Christmas to you all.
I was involved with Dave and CEAS as a DJ at KRML, I am featured in a few of your magazines (1987-1988). Chaz with The Jazz...Dave and members came to my studio while I was on air at KRML and Dave even said hi to Carmel live.
I have met Clint twice, and drew an exclusive piece of artwork for him. I am selling the only other available copy. More info here:
If you are interested...well, thanks! CHEERS, MATES!
Chuck Gauger
Chuck, fantastic to have you here!
I'm sure Dave will be happy to see you here also.
I'll email him now.
Well..Chuck, geat to hear from you. I was amazed KRML had closed just a few weeks before my last visit to Carmel in April 2009. No more Play Misty for me now ..glad you around still mate :) It was great sitting in the DJ chair that time :) Dave
Ah those were the days..was great meeting with Chuck and being allowed into KRML studio, it was still as in PMFM back then. I was sad to learn on my trip in 09 it had recently closed after a move to the Eastwood building..ah well. Thanks for the pic Chuck...not so many creases in me face back then :) Hey Chuck...'play Misty for me' :)
Hi Darren
Noticed that you have missing dates on your CEAS page, I have scans of a couple of those missing issues. I've lost your email address so can you message me?
Hello James my dear friend, hope you are well, yes please mate. Actually easier to just leave another comment here with your email, I can then pick it up without publishing the comment, look forward to hearing from you
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