Thursday 11 April 2024

Mexican Eastwood Vinyl

Mexican Eastwood Vinyl
I had the very good fortune recently to secure these three vary rare 7” vinyl singles from Mexico. Mexican singles are among the hardest to find – and I’m very grateful to a Spanish collector who kindly sold me these beauties. 

Mexican singles are typically packaged much like the Japanese singles, with a wrap around insert rather than a sleeve – the vinyl comes in a generic inner sleeve with the insert wrapped around. They are not as well produced or lavishly presented as the Japanese inserts – the main difference being that the inside of the inserts are blank, rather than pictures and / or lyrics etc. 

Two of these titles, carry both the United Artists and Paramount labels as well as Gamma – which is the Mexican label run by Gamma, S.A., the Mexican affiliate of the Spanish Hispavox, S.A., managed by Tomás Muñoz (later Spanish CBS founder in 1970). 

The Leroy Holmes EP (United Artists / Gamma GX 07 – 511) features his arrangements of Cara A: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly / For a few Dollars More and on Cara B: A Fistful of Dollars / Tara’s theme from Gone with the Wind. The final selection might seem like an unusual choice, but this has been featured on other variations of this same EP. The picture sleeve carries the exceptionally nice artwork which was also used on a U.S. Leroy Holmes LP of the same period. 

The Paint Your Wagon EP (Paramount / Gamma GX 07 – 713) features 4 tracks from the original soundtrack on Cara A: I’m on my way (cast) / and Clint’s I Talk to the Trees. Cara B: features Lee Marvin’s Wand’rin Star / Whoop-Ti-Ay! (cast). The picture insert features the artwork from the U.S. one sheet poster.

The third single is the Hugo Montenegro EP (MKE – 1044) on the Mexican RCA Victor (Orange RCA Victor 1968). The insert carries the LP artwork which has rarely been used on 7” versions. It contains on Cara A: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly / For a Few Dollars More, whist on Cara B: The Ecstasy of Gold / The Vice of Killing. 

All very nice editions. I have also added these to our main guide to collecting Eastwood 7” vinyl found here 

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